Next Irvine Underground Meeting
2024.11.08 at Gulliver's, 7pm

January 12, 2024

Happy new year! This month, IVU had over 50 people in attendance – our highest headcount since lockdown. Woohoo!

This month, we also had a throwback to the IVU days of old, with some pregaming at El Torito before the official meeting. As always, folks brought along their projects, some hardware, and even some padlocks to work on.

Our main speakers this month was Cannibal, who presented “A talk about on cleaning products”:
During defcon at an unreasonable time of the night, Yaxis and I were talking about giving a talk at IVU and asked what I wanted to present on. I thought it would be fun to let Yaxis pick and he jokingly threw out “cleaning products”. So show up Friday the 12th for my presentation on Cleaning Products!

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